Urban Agriculture Property Tax Credit

Urban Agriculture Property Tax Credit Criteria

Prince George’s County implemented an Urban Agriculture Property Tax Credit to incentivize urban agriculture activities for the purposes of healthy food access, economic development and workforce development. The criteria is as follows:

  • Farm (or lease to an urban farm) on a property that is at least one-eighth of an acre and not more than five (5) acres. Please note that the Office of Law is interpreting this as your PRODUCTION area must be at least one-eight of an acre and not more than five acres.
  • Located in the Priority Funding Area, as defined in Section 5-7B-02 of the State Finance and Procurement Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland (This can also be found on PGATLAS.com, the layer can be found under “Administrative” and by turning on “Priority Funding Area”).
  • Used for urban agricultural purposes. (Refer to “Urban Agriculture” definition.)
  • Zoned urban agriculture pursuant to the “Land Uses & Zones” table in Subtitle 27 – Zoning Ordinance of Prince George’s County.
  • Application must include income documentation.
  • May not be used for any other for-profit purpose that would subject the parcel to property tax liability.

Please review our Urban Ag Property Tax Credit Guidelines for more information.


Contact Us

If you have additional questions about the tax credit or wish to apply, please contact our Urban Ag Conservation Program Manager, .


Urban Ag Conservation Program

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