Photo credit: Valerie Watson “At the nexus of art, science, and farming in the heart of Prince George’s County”— this mission statement is embodied by the 804 Cattle Company, and it defines the Brooks family approach to agriculture. Prince George’s
Cedrick Coles
Laurel High School Students Win Prince George’s County’s 2023 Envirothon Competition
April 28, 2023
The Prince George’s Soil Conservation District and the William S. Schmidt Outdoor Education Center hosted the Prince George’s County Envirothon at the Schmidt Center on April 26. This is the first time the competition was held in person since the
Prince George’s Soil Conservation District: Who We Are and How We Got Here
April 13, 2023
The great dust bowl in the mid 1930’s resulted in tremendous loss of life and millions of tons of topsoil in the Mid-West. It was obvious that extraordinary efforts were needed to turn around the devastating damage caused by this