Soil Conservation and Water Quality plans are developed by the District and provide an overview of a landowner’s operation. The Plan assists landowners in identifying, conserving and enhancing the natural resources on their property. Acquiring and applying a plan is free and voluntary (unless the farm is located in the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, in Ag Land Preservation or participating in cost share programs).
A Soil Conservation and Water Quality plan contains:
- An aerial photograph, map or diagram of the farm
- An inventory of natural resources on the farm
- A soil map indicating the location and types of soils on the farm
- Soils descriptions with key characteristics of the soils
- A list of management decisions, recommended Best Management Practices (BMPs) and implementation schedule
- Additional information relevant to the farm: soil loss, seeding recommendations, grazing plan, etc.
Contact the District for more information or to schedule a farm visit.