Photo credit: Valerie Watson
“At the nexus of art, science, and farming in the heart of Prince George’s County”— this mission statement is embodied by the 804 Cattle Company, and it defines the Brooks family approach to agriculture.
Prince George’s Soil Conservation District celebrated 804 Cattle Company as their 2022 Cooperator of the Year on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. Over 200 people gathered to celebrate the soil and water conservation achievements for the Brooks and Motroni families’ pasture-raised beef cattle operation located in Upper Marlboro, MD.
In 2017 the Brooks Family became cooperators with the Prince George’s Soil Conservation District. A natural resource inventory was taken on their farm and a Soil Conservation and Water Quality Plan was prepared. Utilizing technical assistance from the Prince George’s Soil Conservation District, the farm operation began implementing a variety of best management practices to improve pastures and protect soil and water resources. Multi-species pasture seed mixtures, inter-seeded annual forage plants, intensive pasture management and rotational grazing with divisional fencing were adopted. Additional best management practices were installed including stream buffer fencing, nutrient management, watering facilities, a drilled well, underground water lines, and heavy use areas for livestock.
804 Cattle Company has a strong commitment to animal welfare. They are Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certified, insisting on maintaining the highest standard of animal welfare in accordance with their mission and values. The family is committed to promoting education and “paying it forward” by providing an intensive hands-on internship program for pre-vet students. This is especially important for those students from urban areas and historically underserved populations who did not grow up with access to animal husbandry programs such as 4-H and FFA that are generally offered in more rural areas.
804 Cattle Company is a family affair, capitalizing on the strengths of everyone within the family and sparing no one from the hard work on the farm. Following a 47-year-old tradition, the Prince George’s Soil Conservation District is proud to honor the 804 Cattle Company and the Brooks Family as the 2022 Cooperators of the Year.